Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ziplining at the Burmese border

In Chiang Mai Thailand we went ziplining. We drove for an hour on really steep and twisty roads. When we arrived we filled out insurance forms and met our guide Mr. Boston. Mr. Boston said he was a "trainee" and today was his second day on the job.Everyone hiked down to the first line, Mr. Boston went over the safety rules and was jokingly looking at the safety book and asking his co-workers "how do you say this?". He also introduced his helpers Dingo and Monkey.

Mr. Boston giving safety instructions

As we swung from tree to tree Dingo would climb on the outside of the tree and do crazy tricks to get around everyone standing on the platform. Then Monkey would yell at the to of his lungs " one, two, bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and would launch customers into the air.

My turn to launch
As we zipped along we figured out that Mr. Boston was not a first day trainee and was not from Massachuettes. We think that the "bos" in Boston ment that he was one of the owners of the company or a long time employee.

Csmeron and I

My favorite line was the 300 meter line that took you 50 meters from the Thai/Burmese border and at one point I went 40mph!

My favorite zipline

Mr. Boston would always go upside down or do somthing crazy when he was flying on the zipline.

Mr. Boston and other guides being crazy.

There were also two "repellavators", as my brothers and I called it, in which you would sit mid air and the guides would drop you down the tree! The very last line was a 40 meter or 138 feet "repellavator" that dropped you at 30mph!! I was the first one to go down. It was awesome!!!!

Hiking to our last drop.

Looking down 40 meters.

My turn.


An older lady was one of the last ones to go down. When the guides said to unclip the saftey rope she wouldn't unclip it because she was so scared.

Thsi is not the old lady but my Mom coming down. She screamed too.

This adventure was one of my favorite days so far on our trip!


  1. Fun, yes, we can see by your sunny happy smile. G'ma xxoxoxo

  2. Love the pictures!
    That looks like so much fun!!!

  3. This is soooooo cool, Taylor!!! :D
