Monday, January 3, 2011

Boe the Cambodian Boy

Part of Ryan's 6th grade writing lesson is to write a historical fiction story. Here is his story based on what he learned in Cambodia. It's really good. Enjoy the read.
Boe was listening to the radio for the first time in three months. An emergency broadcast said " Everybody needs to move to the villages for three to five days, the Americans are going to bomb the city!" Boe's family started packing swiftly. "I'm scared," said Boe's younger sister Kila. "The Americans won't hit us in the villages," said Boe's mom Mae. So they set out to the rice fields to await their return to the city.

Boe and his family safely made it to the rice fields, but they didn't know what terrors awaited them in the days to come.

A Khmer Rouge solider slammed the door open and said "Get up, it's time to work." Boe said, "I don't want to work." The soldier pushed Boe out the door and into the bright sun light. He spotted his sister Kila and his parents, he waved but got no response. Boe went to the rice fields, he was hit to the ground and was forced to work. Boe and his family refused to work. "I am a wealthy man not a slave," Boe's dad Din said. Soldiers hit Boe and his family on the back with their guns. It went dark for Boe.

The next day Boe found himself in a small room chained to the wall lying on a plank of wood with stilts two feet above the ground. He heard yelling and screaming out side but didn't know from where it was coming. Boe was startled by what appeared to be the jingle jangling of keys. The door swung open, two Khmer Rouge soldiers both armed with AK-47 semi automatic rifle's came in. Boe's heart rate accelerated. He spotted his sister Kila walking with a group of girls tied up being lead somewhere. He yelled at her but got no response.
Kila was born with a weak body but a persevering heart. Boe wanted to help her, but how? Then Boe spotted it, a hole in the fence that none of the military officers had seen. Right then he decided he would help his family escape.
He saw his mom and dad lined up and heading back to their cells. They both looked scared. His dad was a big and strong man, and he was often logical. Boe's mom was petite, but some what stern woman. Boe wished he could help everybody in the camp, but he knew he couldn't.

That afternoon everybody was locked in there cells. Boe found a crummy plate with stale rice. He quickly scarfed down the under sized meal. Next to the plate there was a broken green surplus box, he started taking the box apart and found a safety pin. He had an idea but had to execute this plan at night.

He waited a couple of hours until it was dark. He knew where his family members were being kept. Boe picked his ankle lock with the safety pin and then unlocked the door. Boe opened and shut the door as quietly as possible. As he proned across the school yard he came to his sister's cell. He slowly picked the door lock, opened the door and whispered "Kila wake up, Kila." She sat up on the bed "Who is it," asked Kila. "It's me Boe." Boe started talking right away on how he spotted the hole in the fence. Boe said, "I have to tell Mom and Dad about my discovery in the fence." Boe arrived at his Dad's cell. Boe explained it all to his dad. He responded with, "It would be good if we planed to escape at night." Boe's Mom also agreed once he explained it to her too.
Boe made it back to his room safely and locked himself back in his chains not to invite suspicion. In the morning a man walked through the door and said "Come with me." Boe followed him to the interrogation room when the door swung open. Boe's blood ran cold, he saw four men with M16 riffles and one man with an M60 automatic machine gun. The man shoved him into a chair. Boe thought he was going to die right then and there. The man yelled "Are you a spy!?" Boe answer with a quick and bold "No." The man punched him "Do you work for the FBI, CIA, or the KGB!?" This time Boe yelled "No!" The man punched him again and yelled "Get outside." Then Boe heard the worst sound of his life, a painful scream from his mother. Boe passed out.

In the middle of the night Boe woke up shivering from the cold. Boe remembered the pick and unlocked himself. He visited his dad first. He picked the door lock and saw his dad lying awakeon the bed. His dad said "How did we get into all of this Boe? The Khmere Rouge tricked us, and now they are killing people left and right." They need to be stoped. Boe we need to get out and warn others." "But who is there to warn" asked Boe? "People who haven't been so gullible to the lies of Pol Pot, good men and women who should revolt," Din said.

The next day Boe awoke upside down, his feet were tied to a poll along with another man. Suddenly both of them dropped down ten feet into a bowl of water for about thirty seconds. They were hoisted up again, and dunked again, this happened several times, Boe was in so much shock he could hardly scream.
That night he made up his mind, as he slowly and quietly unlocked the doors of his family members cells they crept outside. They proned to the hole Boe was thinking, One slip up and were dead. one by one and unseen they were out. They rushed to the near by air field. Din hit the guard with a broken bottle he found and jacked a Cessna 180. Din knew how to fly because when he was eighteen his dad taught him how to fly the family's small airplane. Boe and his family flew safely to northern Thailand to start a new life. His dad bought some land, built a house, and planted some rubber trees. As for Boe he went to school and made new friends. Boe's new friends loved all the stories Boe had to tell, but their favorite story was...Boe the Cambodian Boy.
The End


  1. Ryan: This was a very good story. You should get an A.


  2. Your story is very good and so realistic. It is written as though you knew Boc personally. You really have a talent for writing. Keep it up. xoxoxGranma

  3. Hey Sheldons!! Keith is in Alaska right now and we just heard about your grand adventure. Don't forget that we are living in Kuwait so if we can be any help in this area of the world just drop us a note at

  4. Ryan, Great story. Held my interest all the way through. I agree with your granma. You have a real talent for writing. Walt loves to write stories too. He has 2 stories in the hopper now - one about a bull fight he went to a month or so ago. You and he will have to compare writing notes. When you get to Peru, we have lots of places for adventures and therefore, more stories! See you soon. Mary Lynne Wood
