Saturday, October 9, 2010

B - Plentiful B - Scarce

While exploring Copenhagen the past three days one of the first things I noticed was that the predominant color of clothing is Black. Black, coats, sweaters, pants, footwear. Not much color around until the Sheldon family walks onto the streets from our daily Metro run, then BAM!, color splashed everywhere. Robert and Ryan in their green, Taylor in orange, Cameron in blue and Marne in Red. A special note for all you fashionistas out there. Although my rain coat was not Black it was the style of choice among Copenhageners. I have to say I enjoyed seeing our rainbow brigade walking the streets on the gray Copenhagen days.

Black boots were the next thing I noticed about the people. Everyone is wearing Black boots in Copenhagen. Men! Women! Children! Of course there is a bigger variety of women's boots but non the less Black boot abound in Copenhagen.

As I was having fun with the color Black I began noticing something else, Blonde's. There are Blonde's everywhere and I'm not talking the kind from a bottle, high lights or low lights or how ever else people "go Blonde" but real, honest to goodness Blonde's with no roots showing. Historically we know Scandinavians to be Blonde, but really, Yes, really!

Now picture this, lots of Blonde's dressed in Black riding Bikes. Everyone rides Bikes everywhere. Men in suits, women in skirts, young people, old people, people with helmets, without helmets, baskets on the front, baskets on the back, towing kids, kids riding in front on handle bars. Bikes are everywhere. Not top-of-the-line-brand-new mountain or road bikes but regular cruisers, noting fancy or pretty but 100% reliable and functional.

We had to ask why. The answer? Cars and gas are VERY expensive. When you buy a car not only do you pay the retail price but a hefty 180% tax of the purchase price is added too. Yes, that's right 180%!!! And gas is roughly $9.00 a gallon! It's no wonder most people own and ride bikes everywhere.

Another observation about the people of Copenhagen is that Bums are scarce. Homeless, Beggars, vagrants or Bums are nearly non-existent. We saw one person that fit this classification. Not what we are used to seeing walking around U.S. cities. I don't know why, never asked anyone but, it was something the boys noticed on one of our strolls through town.

My favorite thing about Copenhagen was all the Bikes. I had a fun time imagining myself as a Copenhagener for a day, riding my Bike with a cute basket on the front (with my red hair and colorful clothes) to go shopping, to do errands, to meet friends for coffee, to get the boys from school and ride home with them. What a sweet day.


  1. Gonna wear some drab clothes and my black boots tomorrow and think of the Sheldons!

  2. You guys look right at home in Copenhagen! (pics via facebook). Its very cool to follow friends through these places I've always wanted to visit. I now know that wearing black is back and that may be the only way to hide this corn-fed white American! Glad for you guys, love all those smiles in the pics! Love ya!

  3. 180% tax? $9 for a gallon of gas??? Praise the Lord for America! It would be a long ride on a bike in the snow to get to work..... even though it's barely 5 miles.... BRRRR~!

  4. Great post Marne! We remember th bikes! Love following your adventure...All the best, kc &the gang
