Friday, December 10, 2010

Saigon Pedistrian Crossing

If you go to Saigon, Vietnam be careful when you cross the street because the traffic there is crazy. It's crazy because traffic flow is not organized like back in Anchorage. There are motorbikes going any direction they want even if the light is green or red.

First, you walk up to the road and look around at the traffic. You need to figure out when to cross the road when the traffic is going the right way for you to cross. The cars follow the traffic lights but the motorbikes don't.

Next, you cautiously step into the road. Then, you look for a space between the motorbikes and slowly walk across the road. You may get freaked out at traffic coming straight toward you, but don't run because you will get run over. Instead, walk slowly and calmly across the road. The traffic just goes right around you. It's kind of cool.

Finally, rejoice when you get across the road because you were victorious.
I actually had fun crossing the road in Saigon. If you ever visit Saigon, Vietnam I hope you enjoy crossing the road too.

1 comment:

  1. Would you have ever thought that crossing a street would be so exciting and fun????!!!

    Love Granma
