One of the puppies |
The toilet in the apartment is very unusual. If it doesn't flush the first time try bucket-flushing. To do this you take a bucket, fill it with water and quickly dump it into the toilet. This flushes the toilet water away because gravity pulls it down. There is a sign above the toilet that tells you how to bucket-flush.
Our instructions. |
The shower is dangerous but also popular around Peru. The name of this murdering shower is called the Widow Maker. It's a small instant hot water heater installed on top of the shower head. The wires are not in the wall like in the U.S. but instead they are stapled onto the wall. They hook up with switch to turn it on. Before you get into the shower you turn on the switch. When you do this the bathroom light dims because the widow maker uses some of the power to heat the water. Then you get in the shower and turn the water on and hope you don't fry yourself.
The Widow Maker hot water heater.
Notice the electrical tape connecting the wires. |
The switch we had to turn on before we got into the shower. |
Even though it was a bit strange it was a good place to stay for three weeks.
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