We went to lake Nakuru National Park in Kenya to go on a safari. On our first day we saw beautiful small birds which looked like violet green swallows. We also saw flamingos and pelicans at the lake. The pelicans would glide so gracefully above the water and land like a float plane.
After the birds we drove to look for other animals. We saw tons of zebras, warthogs and impalas.
Then we saw the great rhinos. The rhino and her baby were only eating and not doing much of anything else so we didn't stay too long.
By that time we wanted to see lions. Sure enough we saw two lions lying down in the grass, Taylor was the first one to spot the big cats. We followed the lions in our safari vehicle for twenty minutes until they got tired and went into the forest.
After we saw all these animals we decided to go back to the hotel. When we were on our second day in the park we saw started out looking for animals again. The first animal spotting of the day was a warthog but with four little babies. They were running about in a little patch of grass in the middle of two dirt roads. About two hours later we saw a giraffe. The giraffe was hard to see and blended into the trees very well.
Once we were done looking at the giraffe we had a picnic lunch, it was very good. After we finished lunch we were driving back to the entrance and we saw a baboon running with thing a thing dangling from its mouth. We drove closer to the baboon and realized it was a dead baby impala. An impala is a deer looking animal with razor-sharp horns on the males, females and babies have no horns, They are quick on their feet and have a good sense of smell.
Impala luch. |
Another hungry baboon unsuccessfully trying to get some lunch. |
We saw the baboon ripping it apart. Pieces of the dead animal were dropping from the extremely thorny Acia tree. Then another baboon tried to take the body and head of the impala but the baboon who was eating it chased him off the tree. Once the baboon was done with the body it moved on to eat the brains. More baboons tried to get the meat but they were also chased off except for one. The hungry baboon was viciously trying to get at all the meat. His his girlfriend also tried to get some of meat. This made him angry and he chased her off the tree and far away leaving the almost entirely eaten impala behind. Guess he was full. This gave another baboon a chance to pick up the carcass and finish off the rest.
Still enjoying the kill. |
Saved the best part for last. |
From there we drove two minutes to watch another baboon clan play around. The little baboons were scratching, playing, and wrestling. One little baboon was chased off and hurt by another nasty baboon.
I thought the safari was great and I'd like to do it again. It is cool to see other animals in their natural surroundings besides the ones I usually see in Alaska.
Lake Nakaru |