Our two weeks in Hoi An (November 18 - December 2) for me can be summed up in one song. A song from the Rodgers and Hammerstein's hit musical Oklahoma - I Cain't Say No. It's sung by Annie who's quite a pushover when it comes to "fellers". I rewrote the lyrics for me but the theme is, as they say here in Vietnam, "same, same but different."
I'm just a girl who cain't say 'no'
I'm in a terrible fix!
I always say 'Come on, let's shop, just when I aughta say 'Nix.'
When a person tries to sell me stuff
I know I aughta just walk away!
But as soon as I hear "for you, good deal"
I sorta wanna stay and play!
Our View of the Pool from our Balcony |
Here's where our story begins. On our first full day in Hoi An we played at the pool then rode the resort's courtsey shuttle the 10 minutes into Hoi An Ancient Town as they say here. As soon as we hopped off the shuttle we were accosted by men wanting to take us on a ride in their rickshaws and motorbikes, ladies wanting to show us the "best clothes maker in Hoi An", vendors selling sunglasses, t-shirts and other touristy souvineer junk. We were proud of the fact that we said no to everyone and began to stroll down the street. What we were not aware of was that one sly, persistent gal who remained silent during the chaos was now behind us trying one last ditch effort. I kept saying no until she said the magical words "you just look today, no buy, just come see for tomorrow." OK fine I can do that, besides I wanted to know where the clothing market was anyway. She led on, we followed.
We met her "sister" (doubt it was really her sister) who showed us all the beautiful fabrics and told us she can make anything. I already had in mind that we are going to have new shirts made for the boys and replicate one Patagoina top for me but I don't mention that yet. Two minutes into the sales pitch I begin to say goodbye and that we will come back another day. The she says more magical words "I make one shirt for boy, tomorrow you see. You like I make boy more. You don't like, no worries." Now you tell me how anyone in their right mind could refuse such a glorious offer. I sure didn't. Taylor was thrilled to pick out fabric and get measured for his trial shirt. Tomorrow we shall see...
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